Here Comes the Sun: A Mental Spring Cleaning

It’s that wonderful time of year again where chunky sweaters can be ditched for breezy dresses, blankets can begin to make the transition from cozy necessities to picnic settings, and the days all begin to just seem a little bit brighter. The melted snow gone gives the ground a chance to breathe again and with warm days beginning to linger, it feels like the world is taking a big sigh of relief.


Most people have begun to transition into the “spring cleaning” state of mind, in which all old winter items are tossed, the windows are opened, and sunlight is finally allowed back into the home. Though breaking out the mops and brooms is great, we tend to overlook the fact that there are probably a couple other things that could use fixing up besides just our houses. It’s important to tune into ourselves as well to shake out any leftover winter blues and welcome back the warmth and sunshine that comes along with spring.
So it’s time for a little mental spring cleaning!

Shake out the bad. You threw away that old, ill-fitting sweater without second thought, so why hesitate when cleaning out other areas of your life? A new season is an excuse for a fresh start. Take a step back and make a list of all the things and people around you that make you smile. Now do the same with those that make you unhappy or stressed. Keep the good, shake out the bad. There’s no point in keeping around anything in life that drains your happiness.

Write it out. Whenever my thoughts begin to become jumbled up, I usually turn to pen and paper. Somewhere along the way from my head to my journal everything tends to make a little bit more sense. Words and worries can become heavy, but emptying them out from your pen is such a big relief. Sit down and just pour out whatever you’re thinking without stopping or looking back to make sure it sounds okay. Sometimes dumping out whatever is in your brain can make your mind feel a whole lot lighter.

Just breathe. Take a minute out of your day to sit down, close your eyes, and just breathe. Simply focus on in and out. Life can be a crazy, hectic mess and sometimes we all need to remember that our own health (both physical and mental) should come first. Whenever you’re feeling too stressed out, try to take a second to remember that you’re trying your best and you’re doing just fine. Don’t let negative thoughts camp out in your brain. Breathe in the positive, out the negative.

~Madelynne Catherine


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